Accounting & Outsourcing - Finance Grid

Accounting & outsourcing

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Maintaining accounting books and records in accordance with prevailing regulations and preparing and filing all the paperwork required by local authorities can be a time consuming and costly exercise. It places an administrative burden on your staff which has little perceived added value.

Accounting Services

Tax Services

Finance Grid offers a wide range of integrated tax services for domestic and foreign companies operating in Bulgaria. In our process we comply with transitional domestic and international regulations and legislations to fit in today’s global tax landscape. We can put our expertise to work and offer you advice and solutions to increase tax savings and avoid risks. Our main services in direct tax are:

Vat Compliance – It is known as the process of preparing and filling out VAT returns. However simple it may sound, in Bulgaria there are many specifics that need to be considered, while also taking into account the cost involved. By outsourcing your VAT compliance to Finance Grid’s professional VAT team, you grant your organisation assurance that the VAT-related processes will flow smoothly at a reasonable cost.

Direct tax planning and advisory

Tax Reviews

Direct tax Services

Indirect Tax Services (VAT)

VAT Compliance

VAT compliance is known as the process of preparing and filing VAT returns. In Bulgaria, it takes more than that. While it should be a straightforward administrative process, VAT compliance in Bulgaria has its specifics, which need to be addressed carefully, also taking into account the costs involved. Outsourcing the VAT compliance to a dedicated professional VAT team with a good technology solution would provide the required assurance at reasonable cost levels.

Tax and Bookkeeping Outsourcing

When you choose Finance Grids’ Tax and Bookkeeping service, our specialists take care of the preparation of your organization’s tax reports in a manner that complies with your management needs and with the local accounting & tax requirements. Starting with processing of information, all the way to the submission of the reports, our team executes every part of the process with precision and respect to administrative deadlines.

As the preparation of tax reports requires interpreting and implementing regulatory requirements that are constantly changing, relying on a specialized partner like Finance Grid can save you time, efforts and large sums of money – from the fines and penalties you won’t have to pay. We can do the work remotely or from your office, depending on your preference.

Services included

finance at its finest

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